Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Last Night in Berlin

Our last night in Berlin, RIAS treated us all to one more wonderful German meal. The highlight was giving our gift to our leader Rainer Hasters. Rachel Grygiel from Hoboken won a European Cup soccer ball in a kicking contest on the sidewalk near Brandenburg Gate...she won the ball to give to Rainer and we all signed it. Several people also brought small gifts from home...he got a Texas flag, Panamanian coffee and Cincinnati playing cards.

One of the best parts of this RIAS experience is making friends--some we will hopefully keep forever.
It's only been a month and I've already crashed at Hena's place in Los Angeles, with my whole family! (see photo by Hollywood sign) She took us Hollywood sightseeing and we saw Warren Beatty in a sushi restaurant and Doris Roberts (Raymond's mom) in the bathroom of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Oh yes, and George Clooney's hand and footprints in the walk of fame.
After the RIAS program I traveled for a week to produce and report three stories with a Cincinnati-Germany connection. They aired on WLWT-TV, the NBC station during Olympics and here's the link if you'd like to watch. http://www.wlwt.com/specialreports/index.html?rss=cin&psp=news
(photo of me and 3 University of Cincinnati students studying in Munich at Celtic Festival).
I also got to meet some more German journalists in Munich who work in radio and tv. (photo of Sandra (tv) and Uschi (radio). They took us to the Augustiner Beer Garden, the most fabulous beer garden in all the world (I bet).

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